Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF v4.6 Documentation
Datagrid control
Welcome to Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF v4.6 > DataGrid, ListBox, Chart, AvalonDock, and PropertyGrid > Datagrid control
Please note that there may be some references to the features contained in the full version of Xceed DataGrid for WPF (which contains additional, advanced features) in the documentation.


Xceed's WPF datagrid control is the most mature grid of its kind and the first and only to provide a rich, fluid, and high performance user experience.

The experience Xceed's WPF datagrid provides centers on its Tableflow™ view, which lets you take advantage of a stunning, shaded appearance and capabilities such as inertial smooth scrolling and animated full-column reordering—which mimic the physics of real-life movement. Add to that the datagrid’s zero-lag data virtualization, and you have the fastest WPF datagrid around—in performance and feel.

It's rock-solid and time-tested, so you can trust it in your most important applications. Constantly evolving—no other datagrid is updated as often—it has more features than any other offering and a flexible, extensible object model. It also provides unbeatable performance by handling millions of rows and thousands of columns, and integrates easily into any WPF app.


When declaring the DataGrid in code behind, a default view must be set. For example:

dataGridControl.View = new Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Views.TableflowView();

Otherwise, depending on which version is being used, an exception can occur or the DataGridControl could be unusable at run-time.